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Mexicano vive racismo de un estadounidense; gracias al video despidieron al agresor



#FrontalNoticias ▶ #EnVideo | Un sujeto no lo dejaba pasar porque lo confundió con un criminal

Michael Barajas, un hombre de origen mexicano y que reside en los Estados Unidos, fue víctima de racismo en el estacionamiento del edificio donde vive en San Francisco California.

El incidente ocurrió cuando estaba en la fila de autos para entrar a la zona habitacional pero el conductor de una camioneta no le daba el paso.

El hombre de origen mexicano escuchó algunas palabras discriminatorias en su contra por parte del hombre que viajaba en una camioneta, pues alegaba que no entraría a los edificios ya que “era un criminal”.

“Tengo algunos tatuajes y me visto de negro. Tal vez por eso pensó que no era residente”, dijo Michael a un medio local.

Además otra persona le pidió al supuesto agresor que continuará su camino, lo que desató su furia, se bajó de la camioneta y comenzó a golpearlo.

Esta escena se hizo viral en redes sociales y se logró que el victimario fuera despedido de la empresa a APEX Systems.


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PLEASE HELP ID HIM. TRIGGER WARNING: On the topic of #racism in San Francisco. Excuse my language in the video, I was a bit shaken up and my Chicano from Compton came out! Today I was not let into my complex by a white couple from Florida that said they would not let a criminal into their complex as they needed to protect it. They thought I was trying to tailgate them to break in and rob them/other cars in the garage. They were driving in full speed, stopped poked their head out and saw a brown boy in a hat and put their car on break. . . They called me a criminal, told me if I TRULY lived there then I should be ok going around and trying again after they went inside. I showed them my keys and garage remote and they still insisted I leave. My neighbor was out smoking and tried to intervene. As soon as they threatened to call the cops, I started recording. This video is four minutes long and I dealt with this for 4 minutes prior to this. . . My neighbor, who’s also white felt bad because he was not going to tolerate racism, and tried to get them to move. The man in the passenger seat came out and beat him, and threatened to shoot us if we didn’t leave. Security eventually arrived and the man still insisted I leave. The girlfriend tried to pay us to not call the cops and not press battery charges. Police arrived and I have filed a report along with my neighbor. I had to move parking spots as he threatened to shoot us both. This is NOT ok and this goes to show you that racism is well and alive in SF. The gf claimed that “we don’t see color”. 🙄🙄🙄 *Apparently his name is William and she’s Ellie

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